This Toxin-Free, USDA Certified Organic Age-Defying Dream Cream is About to Restore the Appearance of YOUTH to Your Skin Like Nothing Else Possibly Can.

When you look in the mirror, if you ever feel frustrated with fine lines… wrinkles… age spots… dry and thin “crepe-papery” skin… and sagginess like under-eye droop and turkey neck…

You truly do not deserve to feel that way. And you no longer need to feel that way because…

Purity Woods’ Age-Defying Dream Cream Will Quickly Make You Feel Like You’ve Jumped Years Back in Time

The research-based and USDA Certified Organic Age-Defying Dream Cream was meticulously crafted to provide you the complete blend of nature’s ultimate ingredients that powerfully help ELIMINATE the appearance of…

Crow's feet, laugh lines, and other fine lines and wrinkles

“Turkey neck” and skin that looks saggy

Thin and “crepe-papery” looking skin

Age spots /Dark spots

Uneven skin tone

Dull, dry, and “old looking” skin

My wife, Lisa, turned me on to this cream she loves. It can help you maintain younger-looking skin by supporting your skin’s free radical defenses and elastin production. So, I started using this anti-aging cream, too, after reviewing the research on its ingredients. (I also recommend wearing a hat with a large brim while out in the sun.)

It’s a revolutionary cream that restores the appearance of youth to your skin like nothing else out there. It’s USDA Organic Certified and provides you with nature’s most effective botanicals for both collagen and elastin.

Dr. Joel Fuhrman, World-Renowned M.D.
7-Time NY Times Bestselling Author

“Fountain-of-Youth-Like Effects”

The Age-Defying Dream Cream addresses all the biggest “frustration factors” by providing you a powerful, non-toxic, USDA Certified Organic formula that means you’ll enjoy both fast and ongoing results.

Of course, when you soon experience the “fountain-of-youth-like” results of the Age-Defying Dream Cream on your own skin, your first-hand experience will speak volumes more than we can here.

Still, we know it’s important you understand WHY the Age-Defying Dream Cream works so well.

On that note, you first need to know the three big problems causing so many people frustration.

Real People. Amazing Results.

“I am a Certified Functional Medicine Health Coach, so I realize the importance of what we put on our body and in our body… I started to notice more fine lines around my eyes and I’ve tried to soften my laugh lines for years. So, I decided to give this product a try because of the maple leaf extracts, which tightens the skin, and also the vitamin C to add more radiance. Once I received the product I decided to do an experiment, and I put it on half of my face. I did that for a week. On day eight I went to work, I work with estheticians, and I asked them if they noticed anything between the two sides…”

– Michele T., Verified Customer

The 3 BIG Problems You Need to Beware That Can Pose SERIOUS Risk to Your Skin (and to the rest of your body)

Your skin is extremely receptive to positive change.

With that in mind, the following will make immediate sense to you:

Your skin is alive… and living things do not thrive on synthetic things.

On that note…

The Big-Brand BIG Problem

Take a close look at the labels of popular brands of moisturizing and anti-aging creams, serums, or lotions.

What you’re almost CERTAIN to see are artificial and synthetic ingredients. These ingredients are shortcuts. And since those artificial ingredients are often FAR cheaper to produce, companies use them as a shortcut for greater profit.

And since those artificial ingredients are often FAR cheaper to produce, companies use them as a shortcut for greater profit.

The Big “Organic Poser” Skin Product Problem

If you’re concerned about synthetic and toxic ingredients harming your skin and your body, please be especially careful about sneaky “organic poser” products.

These are skin products from companies who use words like “organic” and “wild-crafted” on their labels loosely because they’re playing a game of “smoke-and-mirrors” with these comforting terms.

Fact is, there is very little regulation and restriction on the use of those generic terms, and they can mean any number of things.

If a skincare product doesn’t actually show “USDA Certified Organic” on its label – which requires fact-based proof, not fancy words — do not use it.

The Take-No-Action Problem

Okay, so is doing nothing at all to eliminate the appearance of problem skin better than using those “organic-poser” skin products?


Fortunately, with your Age-Defying Dream Cream you’ll LOVE the fast results you will see, AND it also leads to even more impressive longer-term results.

That’s because of its precise formulation of over 25 research-based and USDA Certified Organic botanical extracts and plant butters.

HOWEVER… what if you do choose the path of no-action?

Great question, and here’s the reality… 

Starting in your 30s the two mission-critical components of healthy, glowing, youthful-looking skin both decline.

The 3 BIG Problems You Need to Beware That Can Pose SERIOUS Risk to Your Skin (and to the rest of your body)

The two components of healthy, firm, young-looking skin are collagen and elastin.

Insufficient collagen leads to the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and “deflated-looking” skin.

Insufficient elastin also leads to the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and to the appearance of sagging, such as “droop” under the eyes and cheeks, and “turkey neck.”

Let’s start with the one getting all the attention these days…

The “Anti-Deflating” Collagen

Collagen is a protein that makes up about 75% of your skin, and it is key to that healthy skin “plumpness” and keeping lines and wrinkles at bay.

Unfortunately, by age 30, the signs start becoming visible, and they escalate in visibility with each passing year.

Fortunately, you can take action against this.

Now, applying products with collagen onto your skin will do nothing, because the collagen protein molecules are too large and can’t be absorbed.

Vitamin C, though, is a very powerful change, because your skin drinks it right up.

With the right amount of vitamin C, your body can build healthy levels of collagen.

And then there’s the equally crucial-to-your-skin counterpart to collagen that many aren’t yet aware of or addressing…

The “Anti-Sag, Anti-Wrinkle” Elastin

Elastin is a different kind of protein that works in concert with collagen.

And trying to address collagen without also addressing elastin, is like trying to fill a balloon with a hole in it.

So, like the name sounds, think elastic.

It enables skin to appear soft and smooth and “snap back” to its original healthy shape after being stretched.

Unfortunately, elastin also declines as you get older, because the enzyme called “elastase” progressively breaks down elastin in the skin.

Fortunately, you can now take highly effective action against this, too.

In fact, this takes us right back where we started… 

Real People. Amazing Results.

Hi everyone! Here’s my Purity Woods Age-Defying Day and Night Cream testimonial. I really love this cream. My skin feels soft, I’m pretty certain the fine lines have diminished. People have been asking me what do you do to your skin, it looks so good. So feels good, smells good. I really like it. Buy it, you’ll like it too.

– Alisa H., Verified Customer

Hi my name is Lori, I’ve been using the Age-Defying Dream Cream for about 3 months now and I am literally smitten. It has changed my skin. I may be 53, but my skin doesn’t look it anymore. Thank you so much!

– Lori B., Verified Customer

The Complete Blend of Nature’s Ultimate Collagen- and Elastin-Boosting Ingredients…

For the Ultimate Smooth, Radiant, Age-Defying Skin

The Revolutionary Elastin-Boosting, Anti-Wrinkle, Anti-Sag Power of… Canadian Maple Trees!

Some of the most exciting research in decades was announced in 2018 by University of Rhode Island researchers who presented their findings at the 256th National Meeting & Exposition of the American Chemical Society (ACS).

These results were so amazing that prominent media sources as diverse as Science Daily, Newsweek, Woman’s World, WebMD, Allure, New Beauty, MSN, and Medical News Today featured it.

Researchers discovered that compounds in red maple leaf extract may actually BLOCK the activity of elastase, the enzyme that breaks down elastin in the skin and leads to the appearance of wrinkles and sagging.

“The red maple leaf extract essentially acts as a guardian for your skin’s precious elastin as you age”,  Hang Ma, one of the researchers behind the study, tells Allure.

That means UNBEATABLE support for healthy elastin levels.

“You could imagine that these extracts tighten up human skin like a plant-based Botox, though they would be a topical application, not an injected toxin,” Navindra Seeram, principal investigator of the experiment from the University of Rhode Island, told Newsweek.

Now, Native Americans have long treasured maple trees for their medicinal properties.

However, as with virtually all plants treasured by people since ancient times for their health benefits — such as Camu Camu, Indian Gooseberry, and German Chamomile — it was only a matter of time before science also caught up with maple leaves.

Purity Woods’ Age-Defying Dream Cream provides you three different highly effective maple leaf extracts sourced from pristine Canadian forests:

photo of red maple leaves

Organic Red Maple Leaf Extract

photo of orange maple leaf

Organic Sugar Maple Leaf Extract

Striped maple leaves

Organic Striped Maple Leaf Extract

We’re excited to be one of the world’s first providers of these USDA Certified Organic maple leaf extracts, along with nature’s other premier age-defying ingredients, in this unique formula.

We also made certain to add the perfect partners to the maple leaf extracts for the ultimate age-defying results.

Raw-Looking, Dry-Looking, “Crepe-Papery” Looking Skin

Organic German Chamomile Extract

German Chamomile is widely regarded for its powerful anti-aging benefits for your skin. It promotes the appearance of tighter and healthier “plump-looking” skin, and it is also excellent for soothing the skin.

“Weathered-Looking” Skin, Dark Spots from Excess Sun

Organic Astaxanthin Extract

One of the biggest reasons skin can look wrinkled, weathered, and otherwise “old” is because of excess sun over the years.

Astaxanthin is a very highly effective “carotenoid,” an antioxidant that provides superior protection for skin, and ours is sourced from organic red algae.

Plus, Nature’s Superstar Moisturizers

Hydration-Hungry, “Weathered-Looking” Skin and Dark Spots

Organic Sunflower Seed Oil

Native Americans treasured sunflowers for thousands of years – especially for its benefits to their skin.

Sunflower seed oil is extremely high in vitamin E, which keeps your skin hydrated for longer, and it is an antioxidant that works at the cellular level to combat the “weathered-look” from the sun’s UV rays.

Dry-Looking, Loose-Looking Skin

Organic Aloe Vera Leaf Juice

The ancient Egyptians called aloe vera “the plant of immortality” for good reason.

It provides a special “aging barrier” for your skin, because it contains vitamin C, vitamin E, and beta carotene, which also help promote firm-looking, hydrated skin.

Uneven Skin Tone, Dry-Looking Skin

Organic Cacao Seed Butter

The special fats in Cacao seed butter are exceptional for dry skin. And it provides compounds called “cocoa mass polyphenols” that can have very strong anti-aging effects, including with skin elasticity, skin tone, and helping collagen.

And, Of Course, Nature’s Premier Vitamin C Extracts

You know that healthy levels of both elastin and collagen are vital for overall youthful-looking skin.

And you know vitamin C is mission-critical for collagen.

So, your Age-Defying Dream Cream provides you nature’s premier vitamin C botanicals – including the following 3 superstars.

Loose-Looking, Thin- and “Deflated-Looking” Skin

Organic Mango Seed Butter

Mango seed butter is bursting with vitamin C, which again strongly promotes a firmer, tighter, and more “plump” appearance on the skin.

It’s also excellent for soothing and moisturizing, and it’s rich in vitamin A that can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and promote a radiant and glowing look.

Dull-Looking, Loose-Looking, Thin- and “Deflated-Looking” Skin

Organic Camu Camu Fruit Extract

Camu camu is one of the most vitamin-C-rich fruits on earth. It has about 40 times more vitamin C than oranges, and even exceeds acerola cherries in vitamin C, so it’s excellent for collagen.

It also helps reduce the appearance of sun damage, like dark spots and wrinkles, while brightening and evening out how skin looks.

And it’s loaded with other powerful antioxidants, such as flavonoids, that can have other very powerful anti-aging effects.

Large-Looking Pores, Dull-Looking, Thin- and “Deflated-Looking” Skin

Organic Indian Gooseberry Extract

Indian gooseberry – also known as amla — is called the “Ayurvedic Wonder” because it’s one of the most important plants in the ancient Ayurvedic health system.

It’s sky-high in vitamin C and helps keep skin looking vibrant and young. And its powerful antioxidant properties can help shield skin from environmental stressors.

Indian gooseberry also provides properties that help unclog pores and reduce the appearance of large pores, and it’s exceptional for giving skin a firmer and tighter appearance.


Real People. Amazing Results.

Try It Risk Free!

We Aren’t Satisfied with You Just “Liking” Your Dream Cream. If It’s Not One of Your All-Time Favorite Products, We’ll Give You 100% Of Your Money Back… Even If The Bottle Is Empty!

While we’ve done our best to show you how and why your uniquely powerful Age-Defying Dream Cream works so well – both quickly and over the longer-term — we know that no words here can match what you’re about to experience… 

So, we simply want to give you this heartfelt guarantee: 

If you don’t ADORE the results you see with your Age-Defying Dream Cream… 

Simply notify us within 60 days and return the bottles — even if they’re completely empty! — and you’ll receive a prompt and courteous refund for your full purchase price!

Your Very Special PRIVATE Introductory Offer Today

So, let’s briefly review…

If you’re annoyed, worried, or flat-out at your wit’s end about…

Crow’s feet, laugh lines, fine lines & wrinkles

“Turkey neck” & skin that looks saggy

Thin & “crepe-papery” looking skin

Age spots /Dark spots

Uneven skin tone

Dull, dry, & “old looking” skin

…You’re getting the USDA Certified Organic Age-Defying Dream Cream that we guarantee is the most effective formula available, in terms of both seeing visible results quickly and over the longer-term.

That’s because it’s not just “organic” (ahem), it’s USDA Certified Organic, meaning independently and strictly verified for safety and purity.

Now, you might expect we’re going to announce that this premiere-class Age-Defying Dream Cream is “only” $150 or $200 or some such price…

However, in addition to being forthright and honest, we also believe in being fair.

Therefore, the Age-Defying Dream Cream’s regular price is just $79.97


You were referred to this page via a private invitation.

IMPORTANT: New supplies of the Age-Defying Dream Cream are very limited, and will sell out quickly again.

We have a new shipment of the Age-Defying Dream Cream that is available right now… HOWEVER, please note this is a very limited supply of under 2000 bottles, and it will sell out quickly again.

PLUS, because right now we’re offering this exclusively through partners we know and trust, we’re giving you your Age-Defying Dream Cream with the best possible introductory offer…


Plus, right now you’re getting FREE U.S. SHIPPING TODAY (and reduced international shipping).

And yes, you are of course also getting our ironclad you’re-going-to-LOVE-it money-back guarantee on your Age-Defying Dream Cream, where you can get a courteous and complete refund on even empty bottles if you aren’t satisfied for any reason.

The Complete Blend of Nature’s Optimal Collagen- and Elastin-Boosting Ingredients… For the Ultimate Smooth, Radiant, Age-Defying Skin



  • YOU SAVE $15!
    (and reduced International shipping)
3 bottles of dream cream


  • YOU SAVE $60!
    (and reduced International shipping)
photo of 6 bottles of dream cream


  • YOU SAVE $150!
    (and reduced International shipping)

50 ml/1.7 fl oz per bottle


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