Purity Woods - The Organic Health Aging Company

Rediscover Youthful Skin with the Finest Botanicals in the USDA Certified Organic, Toxin-Free Elastin Boost Hyper-Lift Serum

It’s the #1 Way to Quickly Eliminate the Appearance of Loose, Wrinkled, and Saggy Skin that Makes People Look “Old.” That’s Because It Provides You Nature’s Ultimate Ingredients to Lift, Smooth, Brighten, and Firm… Including the Breakthrough Fountain of Youth-Like Extract You Likely Haven’t Yet Heard About.

Here’s a fact you’re likely already well aware of…

The most instantly noticeable difference between those who look “young” versus those who look “old” is firm, tight, glowing, healthy-looking skin.

That’s why problems like the following routinely rank as the #1 frustration factor of those in their late 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond when it comes to how they look:

Woman in bathrobe looking in mirror and touching her face

Now, previously, there wasn’t much you could really do about these particular “old-looking” skin problems… aside from trying to cover them up… or resorting to expensive and often painful and risky surgical facelifts and injections (that often produce results that look quite “plastic” and fake.)

Yes, there are also plenty of creams and ointments loaded with artificial ingredients and backed by glitzy marketing out there that make big promises to help.

As so many have experienced first-hand, though, those products simply do not deliver on their big promises.

In fact, over the longer term, those products can actually make skin look even OLDER — precisely because of their toxic and artificial ingredients.

However, starting right now, everything you know about skin care is truly about to change…

If YOU are Frustrated with Sagging, Wrinkled, Dull, and Loose-Looking Skin, Here are the 3 KEY FACTS You Need to Know Right Away

If you ever look in the mirror and feel frustrated or sad about your skin…

If you ever worry that you look unhealthy, unattractive, or “too old,” and it’s only going to get worse…

And if your intuition ever tells you that your skin can and should look younger…

Your intuition is 100% right.

And here are 3 key facts you need to know right now:

  1. MOST people today do have skin that looks considerably older than it should look.  This is due to both modern lifestyles and – as you’re about to see – to using big brand and “organic poser” products that can seriously make your skin look older over the long-term.
  2. The way your skin looks is typically THE #1 fastest and easiest thing you can improve on your body. This is true whatever your age or current issues. Your skin is extremely receptive to positive change, especially because most people’s skin today should look far younger. And “feeding” your skin the right ingredients is, far and away, the most powerful path to that fast and positive change.
  3. Research has identified the most effective ingredients to feed your skin if you truly do want it to quickly look far firmer, tighter, more supple and glowing, and overall more youthful. This includes the superstar among the stars: the unique and powerful organic maple leaf extract being heralded for its unparalleled elastin-boosting benefits in major new research. 
Woman touching face
1 - Hyper-Lift - Cropped
30 ml/1.0 fl oz

Purity Woods’ Certified Organic Elastin Boost Hyper-Lift Serum Means “Fountain-of-Youth-Like Effects”… Guaranteed.

True, there is no actual Fountain of Youth.

However, when it comes to your skin, we’re going to show you why nothing comes closer to it than Purity Woods’ Elastin Boost Hyper-Lift Serum.

In fact, as you’re about to see, we literally guarantee this will be true for you.

In short, your Elastin Boost Hyper-Lift Serum

Of course, when you soon enjoy the “fountain-of-youth-like” results of the Elastin Boost Hyper-Lift Serum on your own skin, your first-hand experience will speak volumes more than we can here.

However, we know it’s important you understand the essentials of WHY your Elastin Boost Hyper-Lift Serum works so well and unlike anything else out there.

On that note, you first need to know the basics on the three big problems causing so many people frustration and even heartbreak when it comes to their skin…

The 3 BIG Problems You Need to Beware That Can Pose SERIOUS Risk to Your Skin
(and to the rest of your body)

As noted above, your skin is extremely receptive to positive change, meaning being “fed” the right ingredients.

With that in mind, the following will make immediate sense to you:

Using artificial and toxic ingredients on your skin is not that “positive change” your skin needs.

Your skin is alive… and living things do not thrive on synthetic things.

Your skin is a doorway into your body, and your body does not thrive on artificial and toxic things, either.

On that note…

#1) The Big-Brand BIG Problem

The next time you’re in the store, pick up one of those popular brands of anti-aging creams, serums, or lotions.

It could be one of the cheap twenty-dollar ones, or one of the high-end hundred-plus-dollar ones, it doesn’t matter.

Just take a close look at the back label.

What you’re almost CERTAIN to see are artificial and synthetic ingredients.

We’re all about honesty and directness, so here is what those artificial ingredients are… shortcuts.

Yes, some may produce some short-term results on your skin, like temporary smoothness.

However, over the longer-term, so many of those artificial ingredients can be horrible and even toxic for your skin (and the rest of your body).

They can lead to longer-term results for your skin that are the exact opposite of the results you want… not to mention the other risks they can pose to your health.

Yes, those artificial and toxic ingredients are a shortcut, but not a shortcut geared toward helping you.

You see, those artificial ingredients are often FAR easier and cheaper for the companies who make them to use, so they’re a shortcut to their greater profit, regardless of their effect on you.

#2) The Big “Organic Poser” Skin Product Problem

If you’re concerned about synthetic and toxic ingredients harming your skin and your body, please be especially careful about sneaky “organic poser” products.

These are skin products from companies both large and small who use words like “organic” and “wild-crafted” on their labels and promotions loosely because, so very often, they’re playing a game of “smoke-and-mirrors” with these comforting terms.

Fact is, though, there is very little regulation and restriction on the use those generic terms, and they can mean any number of things.

For example, it can even mean that just one or two ingredients out of the many used in the product are “organic” (this is often the case!)

So, please look closely at those “organic” and “wild-crafted” product labels, too.

Because chances are they contain a host of artificial ingredients — or ingredients grown and processed non-organically with pesticides and herbicides – that you DON’T want on your skin.

Yes, this applies even to those “organic” skin creams and serums that cost upwards of a hundred or more dollars, and it applies no matter how fancy their marketing is.

In fact, our strongest recommendation is this:

If a skincare product doesn’t actually show “USDA Certified Organic” on its label – which requires fact-based proof, not fancy words — do not use it.

Yes, USDA Certified Organic “anti-aging “products are uncommon, because it requires meticulous work and care to create…

… and you can’t just can’t make a bunch of claims — you have to prove it’s true.

It means both far more effectiveness and safety for you, though, because all of its ingredients have gone through the strict independent review process, at both the farms and in the manufacturing facility.

It means they are independently certified to have 95% or more truly organic ingredients. (And even the remaining 5% may only be processed via a strict “safe” list.)

USDA Certified Organic means the product is FREE of synthetic additives like pesticides, chemical fertilizers, and dyes, and it was NOT processed using industrial solvents, irradiation, or genetic engineering (non-GMO).

Even if a skincare company uses the generic word “organic” over and over – but it doesn’t actually carry the USDA Certified Organic badge – there’s a reason, and it likely does NOT spell good longer-term results for your skin.

6 Common Ingredients to Avoid at All Costs

There’s a long list of ingredients you’ll commonly see on big brand and many “poser organic” skin products that you’ll want to avoid.

For both effectiveness and safety, it is again highly recommended you only use USDA Certified Organic skin products. That noted, here are 6 of the worst-of-the-worst offender ingredients to watch out for:

#3) The Take-No-Action Problem

Okay, so is doing nothing at all to eliminate the appearance of loose, wrinkled, dull, and sagging skin better than using those big-brand or “organic-poser” skin products?

Because those products may actually create the very problems you are trying to fight over the longer-term — and also because they can harm more than just your skin — HECK YES.

Woman looking through blinds in dark room

Fortunately, though, you’re not stuck in that “rock-and-a-hard-place” situation.

As you’ll soon experience firsthand, Elastin Boost Hyper-Lift Serum provides fast results in the short-term AND it leads to even more impressive longer-term results.

That’s because of its precise formulation of research-based and USDA Certified Organic botanicals, including the 3 ultra-powerful maple leaf extracts and the other all-natural supporting ingredients you’ll discover more about below ↓↓↓

As you now know, those fast and long-term results are a true rarity amongst skincare products, and we take great pride in being able to offer this to you.

HOWEVER… what if you do choose the path of no-action?

Great question, and here’s the reality…

Starting in your 30s, two mission-critical proteins in your skin start to diminish, and these proteins are the building blocks for firm, supple, glowing, and youthful-looking skin…

The great news is, though, by taking the right actions, such as introducing the Elastin Boost Hyper-Lift Serum into your daily routine, you hold tremendous influence over these mission-critical components of healthy, young-looking skin

The 2 Key Reasons Why Those in Their 30s and Beyond Suffer from Wrinkled, Sagging, “Old-Looking” Skin

The two mission-critical components of healthy, firm, young-looking skin are collagen and elastin.

Insufficient collagen, in short, leads to the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and “deflated-looking” skin.

Insufficient elastin, in short, also leads to the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles… and also to the appearance of sagging, such as “droop” under the eyes and cheeks, and “turkey neck.”

And of these two – collagen and elastin — collagen is getting all the attention these days.

That’s not necessarily a bad thing, as collagen production in our bodies diminishes every year after age 18… and by about age 30, the signs of this diminishing collagen become visible and escalate in visibility with each passing year.

Focusing on increasing your collagen levels is smart. For example, the important step for boosting your skin’s collagen levels is “feeding” it organic vitamin C-rich ingredients.

HOWEVER, if your goal is to eliminate the appearance of loose, dull, sagging, wrinkled, and otherwise “old-looking” skin, it is even more important to focus on properly escalating the amount of elastin in your skin…

The “Anti-Sag, Anti-Wrinkle” Elastin

Elastin is a powerful protein in your skin, mission-critical to looking young, that works in concert with collagen.

And trying to address collagen without also addressing elastin, as many are doing today, is kind of like trying to fill a balloon when there’s a hole in the wall of it.

So, like the name sounds, think elastic.

It enables skin to appear soft and smooth and “snap back” to its original healthy shape after being stretched, such as the skin on your neck… around your eyes… on your forehead… and around your mouth.

Unfortunately, elastin also declines as you get older, because the enzyme called “elastase” progressively breaks down elastin in the skin.

That leads to the appearance of wrinkles and skin that looks loose… droopy… saggy… such as under the eyes, on the cheeks, on the arms, and of course, on the neck.

Fortunately, YES, you can now take highly effective action against this decline.

In fact, this takes us right back where we started…

We literally guarantee you’re going to fall in love with your Elastin Boost Hyper-Lift Serum for how fast and how well it combats the appearance of loose, wrinkled, sagging, dull, uneven and otherwise “old-looking” skin.

That’s because it feeds your skin nature’s most effective elastin-boosting botanicals, in their pure USDA Certified Organic form, including and especially the revolutionary maple leaf extracts…

The Revolutionary Elastin-Boosting, Anti-Wrinkle, Anti-Sag Power of… Canadian Maple Trees!

In terms of healthy aging, some of the most exciting research in years, if not decades, was announced in 2018 by University of Rhode Island researchers presenting their findings of a study at the 256th National Meeting & Exposition of the American Chemical Society (ACS).

These results were so amazing that prominent media sources as diverse as Science Daily, Newsweek, Woman’s World, WebMD, Allure, New Beauty, MSN, Medical News today, and Dr. Mercola featured it.

Researchers discovered that compounds in red maple leaf extract may actually BLOCK the activity of elastase, the enzyme that breaks down elastin in the skin and leads to the appearance of wrinkles and sagging.

woman holding up a maple leaf to the camera

“The red maple leaf extract essentially acts as a guardian for your skin’s precious elastin as you age”Hang Ma, one of the researchers behind the study, tells Allure.

That means quite possibly UNBEATABLE support for healthy elastin levels versus anything else found in nature.

What’s more, prior research also showed these compounds in maple leaf extract may even help eliminate age spots.

Now, maple trees are prominent in the eastern part of North America, and Native Americans long treasured them for their medicinal properties.

However, as with virtually all plants treasured by people since ancient times for their health benefits — such as Camu Camu, Indian Gooseberry, and German Chamomile — it was only a matter of time before science caught up with what healers and homeopaths have known for centuries.

Purity Woods’ Elastin Boost Hyper-Lift Serum contains three different highly-effective maple leaf extracts sourced from pristine Canadian forests:

Organic Acer Rubrum (Red Maple) Leaf Extract

Organic Acer Saccharum (Sugar Maple) Leaf Extract

Organic Acer Pensylvanium (Striped Maple) Leaf Extract

We’re excited to be one of the world’s first providers of these USDA Certified Organic maple leaf extracts, and even more excited to provide them to you along with nature’s other premier age-defying ingredients in this unique formula.

And when you see the results first-hand – around your mouth and eyes, on your forehead and neck, on your hands and arms – YES, this is why you’re going to fall truly, madly, and deeply in love with maple trees…

However, it’s only one of the reasons you’re going to fall in love with your Elastin Boost Hyper-Lift Serum.

Because we also made certain to add the perfect partners, in the ideal proportions, to the 3 maple leaf extracts for the ultimate elastin-boosting, age-defying results.

They’re all USDA Certified Organic, too, of course, and some of the stars among them include…

Raw-Looking, Dry-Looking, “Crepe-Papery” Looking Skin

Organic German Chamomile Extract

German Chamomile, a.k.a. Chamomilla Recutita, is widely regarded for its many health benefits to your body, including its powerful anti-aging benefits for your skin.

Working in concert with the maple leaf extracts and other ingredients, it promotes the appearance of tighter and healthier “plump-looking” skin.

It is also excellent for nourishing inflamed, dry-looking, irritated, raw-looking, or “crepe-papery-looking” skin.

Dull-Looking, Loose-Looking, Thin- and “Deflated-Looking” Skin

Organic Camu Camu Fruit Extract

photo of camu camu berries on tree

The extract of this nutrient-dense berry native to South America provides a feast of wonderful things for your skin.

Camu camu (a.k.a. Myciaria Dubia) helps to reduce the appearance of sun damage, like dark spots and wrinkles, while brightening and evening out how skin looks.

It’s also one of the most vitamin-C-rich fruits on earth. It has about 40 times more vitamin C than oranges, and even exceeds acerola cherries in vitamin C, so it’s also excellent for collagen!

And it’s loaded with other powerful antioxidants, such as flavonoids, that can have other very powerful anti-aging effects.

Large-Looking Pores, Dull-Looking, Thin- and “Deflated-Looking” Skin

Organic Indian Gooseberry Extract

photo of gooseberry fruit on table

Indian gooseberry – also known as amla berry, amalaka, and its scientific name, Phyllanthus emblica— is called the “Ayurvedic Wonder” because it’s one of the most important plants in the ancient Ayurvedic health system.

It has powerful properties that help unclog pores and reduce the appearance of large pores, and it’s exceptional for giving skin a firmer and tighter appearance.

Its powerful antioxidant properties can help shield skin from environmental stressors, and it is also sky-high in vitamin C and helps keep skin looking vibrant and young.

What’s Not in Your Elastin Boost Hyper-Lift Serum Also Matters in a Big Way

Your Elastin Boost Hyper-Lift Serum provides your skin nature’s proven most powerful elastin-boosting ingredients, including the revolutionary maple leaf extracts.

And as you’ve seen, what’s not in your USDA Certified Organic Elastin Boost Hyper-Lift Serum versus those big-brand and “organic poser” products makes a monumental difference, too.

It’s FREE of anything artificial, including FREE of toxic preservatives and synthetic additives like pesticides, chemical fertilizers, and dyes, and it was not processed using industrial solvents, irradiation, or genetic engineering (non-GMO).

It’s FREE of parabens, FREE of sodium benzoate, FREE of potassium sorbate, and contains no hydrogenation and no palm oil… all particular areas of concern for many people.

It’s also, of course, a cruelty-free formula that is NEVER tested on animals.

And your Elastin Boost Hyper Lift Serum comes in a non-greasy formula that won’t clog pores, is safe and ideal for all skin types, and has a light, natural scent that will remind you of its key ingredients… maple leaves!

What Others Are Saying...

“This serum is unique. It really improves the texture of my skin and helps me to look my best. I use it morning and night, it’s my new favourite serum.”

– Adrian T.

“Hello, My wife and I just started using the Hyper-Lift Serum for a couple of weeks now and it’s the first product that actually works. It’s still early, but we see a difference already. We’ve tried many previous creams (products) before only to be disappointed. Purity has got it down!!! Thank you so much!!!”

- Wade Y.

“Both the hyper lift serum and dream cream have honestly transformed my skin. I work outside in the forest and my skin has honestly never looked better….as well, friends have commented. Not only has this enhanced my skin but it’s also made with holistic ingredients that are in no way harmful.”

- Hannah G.

“My mind has been blown – and I’m truly surprised and amazed by the results I have had with The Elastin Boost Hyper-Lift Serum. What I’ve noticed this past year is that I have developed that mid-life jowl…thankfully slight and only on my right side, but it’s there. A plastic surgeon with his own skin care line told me that plastic surgery is the only way to correct this sagging. When I started using the serum, within 5 DAYS I noticed that my skin lifted, tightened, and that slight jowl is no longer there!!!! I have proven the power of this product on my own face! I am forever grateful!!”

- Michele

- Rebecca P.

My skin looks and feels healthy and vibrant after using the Serum. I have enjoyed the red maple leaf scent in the elastin boost serum.

- Teresa B.

“Thank you so much for the Wonderful, Delightful Elastin Boost Serum!  It feels great and makes skin look radiant and smoother!  If you have a very good sense of smell you can faintly smell just a hint of plum and best of all it does not contain harsh chemicals to damage the body!”

- Jude B.

“I use the Dream Cream and the serum. I love knowing that I am not absorbing any chemicals through my skin: only safe, natural ingredients! My skin has always been quite dry and I struggled to find a face cream that provided lasting moisture. But the Dream Cream does the trick! For right after the shower, I prefer the serum. I cannot recommend these products highly enough! It is possible that the dream cream would be too oily for oily skin.”

- Colleen H.

“I purchased recently and was delighted! I don’t like the feel of most skin products. This not only goes on light, but it’s very effective at nourishing my skin. The light fragrance is wonderful! Took a chance and so happy I did!”

- Christine

Taking Back Control of Your Skin and
Enjoying Fast Results Is As Easy as 1-2-3

YYour skin is complex, so it’s important to reiterate that the premiere USDA Certified Organic ingredients in your Elastin Boost Hyper-Lift Serum – including the 3 revolutionary maple leaf extracts — are essential to addressing the various issues that accompany aging.

What’s not complex, though, is using your Elastin Boost Hyper-Lift Serum to achieve fast and long-term results.  Simply…

  1. Apply the serum (with its light, maple scent) anywhere wrinkles, fine lines, dark spots, loose-looking, or dull-looking skin appear. Most often, this is on the neck, by the eyes, around the mouth, and on the cheeks and forehead, though you certainly can also enjoy its benefits on the hands and arms.
  2. It is recommended you use your Elastin Boost Hyper-Lift Serum in the evening before bed, or when you awake. If you seek the fastest results, you can use it at both these times.
  3. Enjoy the results that we promise will amaze you! In fact, on that very note…

We Aren’t Satisfied with You Just “Liking” Your Elastin Boost Hyper-Lift Serum. If It’s Not One of Your All-Time Favorite Products, We’ll Give You 100% Of Your Money Back…
Even If the Bottle Is Empty!

Please consider doing yourself a favor.

Right before you first start using your Elastin Boost Hyper-Lift Serum, take a close look at your skin. Ideally, take a picture.

Woman smiling

Now, while some have literally seen overnight results, we don’t want to promise that to you.

However, within seven days of using your Elastin Boost Hyper-Lift Serum each day, please take a close look at your skin again. Take another picture.

Notice how much more tight, firm, supple, glowing, and young it already looks?

And you’re only getting started.

Take another close look and a picture a week after that, and the week after that and so forth.

Compare your results to where you started your journey, to what your skin looks like right now.

In a word, you’re going to feel amazed.

Imagine all that worry and frustration about “old-looking” skin melting away.

Imagine that wonderful boost in your confidence, too, when you look in the mirror.

Because we know this isn’t only about improving the way you look. It’s about improving the way you feel.

And while we’ve done our best to show you how and why your uniquely powerful Elastin Boost Hyper-Lift Serum works so well – both quickly and over the longer-term — we know that no words here can match what you’re about to experience…

So, we simply want to give you this heartfelt guarantee:

If you don’t ADORE the results you see with your Elastin Boost Hyper-Lift Serum

If you don’t fall in love with it, if it doesn’t make the list of one of your all-time favorite products, merely just “kind of” liking it…

Simply notify us within 60 days and return the bottles — even if they’re completely empty! — and you’ll receive a prompt and courteous refund for your full purchase price.

You will, though, fall in love with your Elastin Boost Hyper-Lift Serum. You’ll see…

Your Very Special
Introductory Offer Today

So, let’s briefly review…

If you’re annoyed, worried, or flat-out at your wit’s end about…

…You’re getting the USDA Certified Organic Elastin Boost Hyper-Lift Serum that we guarantee is the most effective formula available, in terms of both seeing visible results quickly and over the longer-term.

That’s because it’s not just “organic” (ahem), it’s USDA Certified Organic, meaning independently and strictly verified for safety and purity…

And it’s because of its meticulously created blend of nature’s ultimate ingredients for far more youthful-looking skin, including those revolutionary and beautiful maple leaf extracts.

Now, you might expect we’re going to announce that this premiere-class Elastin Boost Hyper-Lift Serum is “only” $150 or $200 or some such price, because other premiere formulas (that don’t work nearly as well, promise!) can cost in this range or more.

However, in addition to being forthright and honest, we also believe in being fair.

Therefore, the Elastin Boost Hyper-Lift Serum’s regular price is just $65… and as you’re about to experience, it’s well worth every penny of that and more.

1 - Hyper-Lift - Cropped
30 ml/1.0 fl oz


Supplies of the Elastin Boost Hyper-Lift Serum are truly very limited (as of this writing we have just 609 left in stock), and due to the meticulous small-batch production process it does take weeks to restock.

And so, because right now we’re offering this exclusively through partners we know and trust — and we want to make certain you don’t have to wait to experience firsthand just how well it works — we’re giving you your Elastin Boost Hyper-Lift Serum with the best possible introductory offer…


Yes, whether you choose one bottle… or three bottles, our most popular option.. or our top money-saving option, six bottles… today as you’ll see below ↓↓↓ you’re getting our absolute best introductory rates on your Elastin Boost Hyper-Lift Serum.

Plus, right now you’re getting FREE U.S. shipping today (and reduced international shipping).

And yes, you are of course also getting our ironclad you’re-going-to-LOVE-it money-back guarantee on your Elastin Boost Hyper-Lift Serum, where you can get a courteous and complete refund on even empty bottles if you aren’t satisfied for any reason.

Supplies are truly limited, though, and we can’t ensure these special introductory prices will be available beyond today, so say YES to your youngest-looking skin with the USDA Certified Organic Elastin Boost Hyper-Lift Serum right now…



  • YOU SAVE OVER 16% ($11)
    (and reduced International shipping)
image of 3 bottles of serum


  • YOU SAVE OVER 24% ($48)
    (and reduced International shipping)
image of 6 bottles of serum


  • YOU SAVE OVER 32% ($126)
    (and reduced International shipping)

30 ml/1.0 fl oz per bottle

Real People. Amazing Results.

Verified ownerVerified owner

So far so good!

3 days ago
Verified ownerVerified owner

Seems to help decrease wrinkles and keeps my skin soft

7 days ago
Verified ownerVerified owner

I am using most of your products now, after trying many other skincare brands. I have to say that Purity Woods is the best of them all - the quintessential brand in skincare. The way my skin looks and feels now is amazing - its tone and texture have dramatically improved; more radiant; firmer, more youthful and revitalized. I can feel the purity of your products, there's an elegance to them.

3 weeks ago
Verified ownerVerified owner

Wonderful stuff!

3 weeks ago
Verified ownerVerified owner

I have been using Hyper lift serum dream cream and age defying eye cream for a few years now. I have noticed a significant firming of my skin sound my lips and eyes. My recent addition to my skin care has been the night cream. It is amazing. I wake up with a radiant complexion. This is the first time I have seen the quality of my skin this improved. I won’t use any other products for my skin care. Thank you Brian for such thoughtful healthy skin products!

3 weeks ago
One Tree Planted logo

One Tree Planted Partnership

We’re thrilled to partner with the nonprofit One Tree Planted. With each Purity Woods order placed, we donate a portion of the proceeds to have a tree planted in your honor.

These trees are planted in urgently “in need” areas, such as those devastated by forest fires. They help create habitats for animals and biodiversity, jobs with social impact, and clean air and water for everyone’s benefit. Thank you for helping us reach our goal of 12,000 trees this year!

Leaping bunny logo

Leaping Bunny Certified Cruelty-Free

At Purity Woods, clean and ethical production is the cornerstone of everything we do. That’s why we’re proud to say that ALL of our products are Leaping Bunny certified cruelty-free. 

This esteemed third-party certification guarantees that our formulations are NEVER tested on animals. We love animals and we firmly believe that looking and feeling your best should never mean compromising your standards.


Purity Woods’ Elastin Boost Hyper-Lift Serum is for All Skin Types and is great for those with sensitive skin.

Your 1fl oz of Purity Woods’ Elastin Boost Hyper-Lift Serum lasts about 30 days when used on the face. It is also exceptional for your neck and upper chest in which case you may want to reorder sooner.
Your Elastin Boost Hyper-Lift Serums has a shelf life of a full 6 months.

Apply to your face, neck, chest, and anywhere wrinkles, fine lines, looseness, dark spots, or dulling appears. Use before bed, in the morning, or both for peak results.

The Elastin Boost Hyper-Lift Serum has a gentle citrus scent derived from its organic ingredients such as the Lemon Peel Oil / Litsea Cubeba Fruit Oil. There are no artificial fragrances (or artificial ANYTHING) in your Elastin Boost Hyper-Lift Serum.

Yes, we use the same secure server types as leading online stores.

We are quite certain you are going to LOVE the results you see with your Elastin Boost Hyper-Lift Serum. Depending on your skin, you can start seeing results within 7 to 10 days, some report even faster, and increasing improvements from there. However, if you are unsatisfied for any reason, just let us know and we’ll issue a prompt and kind refund on even used bottles.

The land of the maple trees… Canada!

We are an eco-conscious company. All of our product bottles are BPA-free and recyclable. There is no unnecessary packaging waste.

Everything we use is meticulously sourced, 100% recyclable and sustainable, and eco-friendly. Our supplier uses ingredients harvested from their own land at a Net Zero harvest plan, which does not allow for any use of fossil fuels and reduces our carbon footprint to zero.



  • YOU SAVE OVER 16% ($11)
    (and reduced International shipping)
image of 3 bottles of serum


  • YOU SAVE OVER 24% ($48)
    (and reduced International shipping)
image of 6 bottles of serum


  • YOU SAVE OVER 32% ($126)
    (and reduced International shipping)

30 ml/1.0 fl oz per bottle


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